Friday, January 2, 2015

Comfort Food

The holiday lights are gone.  It's cold outside and it gets dark really early.  This is the time of year when people turn to comfort foods to sustain themselves both mentally and physically.  These are the feel good foods of our childhoods and often they come from our ethnic roots.  Rick Podowski and The Hefty Trio want to share their favorites with you.  Click on the headings for a link to the recipes.

Rick remembers those wonderful times with his grandparents.  The air would be filled with the beautiful sounds of the Polish language and English.  Rick's uncle was going to the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) and his grandmother would proudly proclaim in her very accented English, "My son is going to the state pen."  

Then his grandmother would fill a plate with stuffed cabbage rolls and right next to them would be his favorite, cheese and potato pierogies, sauteed in butter and with lots of sour cream.

Irish Beef Stew 

Erin McGinity remembers the Irish stew of her childhood.  Everyone would be sitting around the table and her mother would ladle the thick brown broth filled with carrots, onions, and beef into a bowl.  Her mother placed the stew over buttered noodles which provided that extra touch.

Chicken  Cacciatore 

Teresa Spinelli remembers what it was like to be from a large family.  Every Sunday the family would sit down together for conversation and pasta.  Her favorite was Chicken Cacciatore consisting of a huge bowl of spaghetti covered with a red sauce and lots of pieces of chicken.  She loved to cover her plate with Parmesan cheese and a piece of  homemade bread just out of the oven with butter melting over every nook and cranny.

Steak Tampequena

Leti Ramos's mother served  Steak Tampequena on special occasions when people came to visit.  A thin piece of steak was covered with onions, tomatoes the green chili and a piece of cheese. Leti remembered how delicious the steak tasted accompanied by rice and beans.  She also had fond memories of  the good times the visitors and her family had as they ate and talked.